

Sal 137:1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. Teo amoron' ny onin' i Babylona no nipetrahanay, Sady nitomanianay, raha nahatsiaro an' i Ziona. Teo amoron' ny onin' i Babilona, dia nipetraka sy nitomany izahay, nahatsiaro an' i Siona. Au bord des fleuves de Babylone nous étions assis et nous pleurions, nous souvenant de Sion;
Sal 137:2 We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. Teo amin' ny hazomalahelo teo afovoan' i Babylona no nanantonanay ny lokanganay. Teo amin' ny hazo malahelo eo an-dohasahany, no nahantonay ny harpanay. aux peupliers d' alentour nous avions pendu nos harpes.
Sal 137:3 For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. Fa teo dia nangataka anay hihira izay namabo anay; Ary izay nampahory anay nangataka anay hanao fifaliana ka nanao hoe: Manaova hiran' i Ziona eto anatrehanay. Fa teo izahay dia nangatahan' ireo nitana anay am-pahababoana, hanao hiram-pivavahana sy hira fiderana; nangatahin' ireo mpampahory anay hira fifaliana izahay: Manaova hiran' i Siona ho anay hianareo. Et c' est là qu' ils nous demandèrent, nos geôliers, des cantiques, nos ravisseurs, de la joie "Chantez-nous, disaient-ils, un cantique de Sion."
Sal 137:4 How shall we sing the Lord' s song in a strange land? Nefa ho nataontsika ahoana no fihira ny fihiran' i Jehovah Tany an-tany nivahiniana? Hataonay ahoana no fihira ny hiran' ny Tompo any an-tanin' ny olona hafa firenena? Comment chanterions-nous un cantique de Yahvé sur une terre étrangère?
Sal 137:5 If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning. Raha manadino anao aho, ry Jerosalema ô, Aoka kosa ny tanako ankavanana mba hanadino. Na oviana na oviana raha manadino anao aho, ry Jerosalema, aoka hanadino tsy hahetsika ny tànako ankavanana!... Si je t' oublie, Jérusalem, que ma droite se dessèche!
Sal 137:6 If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy. Raha tsy mahatsiaro anao aho, Aoka ny lelako hiraikitra amin' ny lanilaniko, Raha tsy Jerosalema no ataoko ambony indrindra amin' ny fifaliako rehetra. Aoka hiraikitra amin' ny lanilaniko ny lelako, raha mitsahatra ny mihevitra anao aho, raha tsy Jerosalema no ataoko loha laharana amin' ny fifaliako! Que ma langue s' attache à mon palais si je perds ton souvenir, si je ne mets Jérusalem au plus haut de ma joie!
Sal 137:7 Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof. Jehovah ô, tsarovy amin' ny taranak' i Edoma Ny andron' i Jerosalema, Dia ireo izay nanao hoe: Ravao, ravao izy Hatramin' ny fanorenany. Tsarovy, ry Iaveh, ireo taranak' i Edoma, fony tamin' ny andron' i Jerosalema, dia hoy ireny: Ravao! ravao! izy, hatramin' ny fotony! Souviens-toi, Yahvé, contre les fils d' Edom, du Jour de Jérusalem, quand ils disaient : "A bas! Rasez jusqu' aux assises!"
Sal 137:8 O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us. Ry Babylona zanakavavy izay efa resy, Sambatra izay mamaly anao Araka izay nataonao taminay. Ry zanakavavin' i Babilona voatolotra ho amin' ny fandringanana, sambatra izay hamaly anao, araka ny ratsy nataonao taminay. Fille de Babel, qui dois périr, heureux qui te revaudra les maux que tu nous valus,
Sal 137:9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. Sambatra izay maka ny zanakao madinika ka manjera azy ho torotoro, Amin' ny harambato. Sambatra izay hisambotra sy hanorotoro, ny zanakao madinika amin' ny vato! heureux qui saisira et brisera tes petits contre le roc!
