

2Tt / 2Tan 4:1 Moreover he made an altar of brass, twenty cubits the length thereof, and twenty cubits the breadth thereof, and ten cubits the height thereof. Ary nanao alitara varahina izy: roa-polo hakiho ny lavany, roa-polo hakiho koa ny sakany, ary folo hakiho ny hahavony. Nanao otely varahina anidina Salomona, roapolo hakiho ny halavany, roapolo hakiho ny sakany, ary folo hakiho ny hahavony. Il fit un autel de bronze, long de vingt coudées, large de vingt et haut de dix.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:2 Also he made a molten sea of ten cubits from brim to brim, round in compass, and five cubits the height thereof; and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about. Ary nanao ny tavin-drano an-idina boribory lehibe izy: folo hakiho no halehiben' ny vavany, dimy hakiho ny hahavony, ary telo-polo hakiho ny manodidina azy. Nanao ranomasina anidina izy: folo hakiho ny haben' ny vavany ary boribory izy manontolo; dimy hakiho ny hahavony, ary kofehy telopolo hakiho no maharefy azy manodidina. Puis il coula la Mer en métal fondu, de dix coudées de bord à bord, à pourtour circulaire, de cinq coudées de hauteur; un fil de trente coudées en mesurait le tour.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:3 And under it was the similitude of oxen, which did compass it round about: ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round about. Two rows of oxen were cast, when it was cast. Ary teo ambanin' ny tavin-drano lehibe nisy sarin' omby manodidina azy, dia folo amin' ny iray hakiho manodidina. Roa andalana ny sarin' omby sady niara-natao an-idina tamin' ny tavin-drano. . Nisy sarin' omby folo isaky ny iray hakiho manodidina azy, teo ambanin' ny molony, voalahatra roa an-dàlana izy ka nahodidina ity ranomasina hatrany. Ireo omby ireo, dia indray natao anidina tamin' ity ranomasina. Il y avait sous le pourtour des animaux ressemblant à des boeufs, l' encerclant tout autour. Incurvées sur dix coudées du pourtour de la Mer, deux rangées de boeufs avaient été coulées avec la masse.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:4 It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east: and the sea was set above upon them, and all their hinder parts were inward. Ary ny tavin-drano dia nipetraka tambonin' ny sarin' omby roa ambin' ny folo: ny telo nanatrika ny avaratra ny telo nanatrika ny andrefana, ny telo nanatrika ny atsimo, ary ny telo nanatrika ny atsinanana; ny tavin-drano lehibe dia teo amboniny, ary niady vody izy rehetra. Nipetraka tambonin' ny omby roa ambin' ny folo io ranomasina io; ny telo nitodika nianavaratra, ny telo nitodika niankandrefana, ny telo nitodika nianatsimo, ary ny telo nitodika niantsinanana; ny ranomasina nitaingina teo amboniny, ary ny tapa-batany aoriana rehetra, dia tao ampovoany. La Mer reposait sur douze boeufs, trois regardaient vers le nord, trois regardaient vers l' ouest, trois regardaient vers le sud, trois regardaient vers l' est : la Mer s'élevait au-dessus d' eux et tous leurs arrière-trains étaient tournés vers l' intérieur.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:5 And the thickness of it was an handbreadth, and the brim of it like the work of the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies; and it received and held three thousand baths. Ary ny hateviny dia vodivoam-pelatanana, ary ny molony nataony tahaka ny molotry ny kapoaka, dia tahaka ny vonin' ny lilia; ary mahalany telo arivo bata izy. Vody voampelatànana ny hateviny, tahaka ny an' ny kopy ny molony, toy ny vonin-disy, ary rano telo arivo bata no laniny. Son épaisseur était d' un palme et son bord avait la même forme que le bord d' une coupe, comme une fleur. Elle contenait trois mille mesures.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:6 He made also ten lavers, and put five on the right hand, and five on the left, to wash in them: such things as they offered for the burnt offering they washed in them; but the sea was for the priests to wash in. Ary nanao tavin-drano folo koa izy hanasana, ny dimy nataony tamin' ny ankavanana, ary ny dimy tamin' ny ankavia; ary ny zavatra hatao fanatitra dorana dia nakobaka teo; fa ny tavin-drano lehibe kosa dia fisasan' ny mpisorona. Nanao tavin-drano folo izy, ho fidiovana; ny dimy nataony teo amin' ny havanana, ny dimy teo amin' ny havia; ireo natao fanasana ny zavatra hatolotra ho sorona dorana. Ny ranomasina natao fidiovan' ny mpisorona. Il fit dix bassins et en plaça cinq à droite et cinq à gauche pour y laver la victime de l' holocauste que l' on y purifiait, mais c' est dans la Mer que les prêtres se lavaient.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:7 And he made ten candlesticks of gold according to their form, and set them in the temple, five on the right hand, and five on the left. Ary nanao ny fanaovan-jiro volamena folo araka ny marika izy, dia napetrany tao amin' ny tempoly, dimy teo amin' ny ankavanana, ary dimy teo amin' ny ankavia. Nanao ny fanaovan-jiro volamena folo, araka ny voadidy momba azy izy, ka napetrany teo amin' ny tempoly: Ny dimy teo amin' ny havanana, ny dimy teo amin' ny havia. Il fit les dix chandeliers d' or du modèle prescrit et les mit dans le Hékal, cinq à droite et cinq à gauche.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:8 He made also ten tables, and placed them in the temple, five on the right side, and five on the left. And he made an hundred basons of gold. Ary nanao latabatra folo koa izy, dia napetrany tao amin' ny tempoly, dimy teo amin' ny ankavanana, ary dimy teo amin' ny ankavia. Ary nanao lovia volamena zato famafazana izy. Nanao latabatra folo izy, napetrany teo amin' ny tempoly: ny dimy teo amin' ny havanana, ny dimy teo amin' ny havia. Nanao kopy volamena zato izy. Il fit dix tables qu' il installa dans le Hékal, cinq à droite et cinq à gauche. Il fit cent coupes d' aspersion en or.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:9 Furthermore he made the court of the priests, and the great court, and doors for the court, and overlaid the doors of them with brass. Ary nanao ny kianjan' ny mpisorona sy ny kianja lehibe sy ny lela-vavahadin' ny kianja izy, ary nopotehany takela-barahina ny lela-vavahady. Nanao ny kianjan' ny mpisorona sy ny kianja lehibe mbamin' ny vavahady izy. Il fit le parvis des prêtres, la grande cour et ses portes qu' il revêtit de bronze.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:10 And he set the sea on the right side of the east end, over against the south. Ary ny tavin-drano lehibe nataony tamin' ny ankavanana, dia teo amin' ny atsimo-atsinana. Napetrany teo amin' ny havanana, eo amin' ny atsinanana somary atsimo ilay ranomasina. Quant à la Mer, il l' avait placée à distance du côté droit, au sud-est.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:11 And Huram made the pots, and the shovels, and the basons. And Huram finished the work that he was to make for king Solomon for the house of God; Ary Hirama nanao ny vilany fandraofan-davenona sy ny sotron' afo ary ny lovia famafazana. Dia vitan' i Hirama ny asa izay nataony ho an' i Solomona mpanjaka ho amin' ny tranon' Andriamanitra: Ary Hirama nanao ny vilany, ny sotron-davenona sy ny kopy. Dia vitan' i Hirama ny asa nataony ho an' i Salomona mpanjaka tao amin' ny tranon' Andriamanitra: Huram fit les vases à cendres, les pelles, les bols à aspersion. Il acheva tout l' ouvrage dont l' avait chargé le roi Salomon pour le Temple de Dieu :
2Tt / 2Tan 4:12 To wit, the two pillars, and the pommels, and the chapiters which were on the top of the two pillars, and the two wreaths to cover the two pommels of the chapiters which were on the top of the pillars; dia ny andry roa sy ny boriboriny sy ny kapitaliny izay teny an-tampon' ny andry roa sy ny harato roa hafono ny boriboriny roa momba ny kapitaly izay teo an-tampon' ny andry avy, ny andry roa, ny boriboriny mbamin' ny loha andry, izay ao an-tampon' ny andry, ny harato roa manarona ny boriboriny roa amin' ny loha andry, teo an-tampon' ny andry, deux colonnes; les tores des chapiteaux qui étaient au sommet des colonnes; les deux treillis pour couvrir les deux tores des chapiteaux qui étaient au sommet des colonnes;
2Tt / 2Tan 4:13 And four hundred pomegranates on the two wreaths; two rows of pomegranates on each wreath, to cover the two pommels of the chapiters which were upon the pillars. ary ny sarin' ampongaben-danitra efa-jato ho amin' ny harato roa, sarin' ampongabendanitra roa andalana ho amin' ny harato iray hafono ny boribory roa momba ny kapitaly izay teo an-tampon' ny andry avy; ny voan' ampongabendanitra efa-jato tamin' ny harato roa, voan' ampongabendanitra an-dalana roa isan-karato, hanaronana ny boribory roa amin' ny loha andry eo ambonin' ny andry. les quatre cents grenades pour les deux treillis : les grenades pour chaque treillis étaient en deux rangées;
2Tt / 2Tan 4:14 He made also bases, and lavers made he upon the bases; ary nanao ireo fitoeran-tavin-drano izy, ary ny tavin-drano nataony teo amin' ny fitoerany; Nanao ny tongotra, mbamin' ny tavin-drano tambonin' ny tongotra izy, les dix bases et les dix bassins sur les bases;
2Tt / 2Tan 4:15 One sea, and twelve oxen under it. ary ny tavin-drano lehibe iray sy ny sarin' omby roa ambin' ny folo; ambaniny. ary ny ranomasina, mbamin' ireo omby roa ambin' ny folo tambaniny, la Mer unique et les douze boeufs sous la Mer;
2Tt / 2Tan 4:16 The pots also, and the shovels, and the fleshhooks, and all their instruments, did Huram his father make to king Solomon for the house of the Lord of bright brass. Ary ny vilany fandraofan-davenona sy ny sotron' afo sy ny fitrebika ary ny fanaka rehetra momba azy dia nataon' i Hiram-aby ho an' i Solomona mpanjaka ho amin' ny tranon' i Jehovah tamin' ny varahina manganohano. ny vilany, ny sotron-davenona, ny fitrebika. Nanao ireo fanaka rehetra ireo ingahy Hirama ho an' i Salomona mpanjaka, ho an' ny tranon' ny Tompo: varahina manganohano ireo zavatra ireo. les vases à cendres, les pelles, les fourchettes, et tous leurs accessoires que fit en bronze poli Huram-Abi pour le roi Salomon, pour le Temple de Yahvé.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:17 In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredathah. Teo amin' ny tany amoron' i Jordana no nanaovan' ny mpanjaka an-idina azy tamin' ny tanimanga teo anelanelan' i Sokota sy Zaretana. Tao amin' ny tany lemak' i Jordany amin' ny tany be tanimanga, anelanelan' i Sokota sy Saredà, no nampanaovan' ny mpanjaka anidina azy. C' est dans le district du Jourdain que le roi les coula en pleine terre, entre Sukkot et Çeréda.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:18 Thus Solomon made all these vessels in great abundance: for the weight of the brass could not be found out. Toy izany no nanaovan' i Solomona ireo fanaka rehetra rehetra ireo; fa tsy nozahana Izay lanjan' ny varahina. Be dia be ireo fanaka rehetra nataon' i Salomona ireo, ka tsy notsapaina ho fantatra marina izay lanjan' ny varahina. Salomon fit tous ces objets en grand nombre, car on ne calculait pas le poids du bronze.
2Tt / 2Tan 4:19 And Solomon made all the vessels that were for the house of God, the golden altar also, and the tables whereon the shewbread was set; Ary Solomona nanao ny fanaka rehetra izay tao amin' ny tranon' Andriamanitra: ny alitara volamena sy ny latabatra fitoeran' ny mofo aseho, Ary nataon' i Salomona ny fanaka rehetra ho an' ny tranon' Andriamanitra, dia ny otely volamena, ny latabatra fametrahana ny mofo alahatra. Salomon fit tous les objets destinés au Temple de Dieu : l' autel d' or et les tables sur lesquelles étaient les pains d' oblation;
2Tt / 2Tan 4:20 Moreover the candlesticks with their lamps, that they should burn after the manner before the oracle, of pure gold; ary ny fanaovan-jiro sy ny lela fanaovan-jirony mba hampirehetina eo noloan' ny efitra anatiny araka ny fanao dia samy volamena tsara; Ny fanaovan-jiro mbamin' ny lalampiny volamena madio, hampirehetina eo anoloan' ny fitoerana masina, araka ny lalàna, les chandeliers et leurs lampes qui devaient, selon la règle, briller devant le Debir, en or fin;
2Tt / 2Tan 4:21 And the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs, made he of gold, and that perfect gold; ny voniny sy ny lela fanaovan-jiro ary ny hetin-jiro dia samy volamena tsara indrindra avokoa; ny voniny, ny lalampiny, ny hetin-jiro volamena, volamena madio indrindra, les fleurons, les lampes et les mouchettes, en or et c'était de l' or pur ;
2Tt / 2Tan 4:22 And the snuffers, and the basons, and the spoons, and the censers, of pure gold: and the entry of the house, the inner doors thereof for the most holy place, and the doors of the house of the temple, were of gold. ary ny antsy sy ny lovia famafazana sy ny lovia kely sy ny fitoeran-davenon-jiro dia samy volamena tsara; ary ny lela-varavarana teo anatin' ny trano, dia ny mankao amin' ny fitoerana masina indrindra, sy ny lela-varavarana ho amin' ny ati-trano lehibe dia samy volamena avokoa. ny antsy, ny kopy, ny tasy, ny fanembohana, volamena madio, ny lela varavarana volamena, hanaovana ny varavarana ao anatin' ny trano, ao amin' ny fidirana ho ao amin' ny fitoerana masina indrindra, ary hanaovana ny varavaran' ny trano ao amin' ny fidirana ho ao amin' ny tempoly. les couteaux, les coupes d' aspersion, les coupes et les encensoirs, en or fin; l' entrée du Temple, les portes intérieures pour le Saint des Saints et les portes du Temple pour le Hékal , en or.
