
1  fall   
dalaboboka2  fall ~ concussion, a violent fall. See <1daboboka#>
fararano3  fall
ahintsana4  fall ~ to be shaken off as fruit from a tree; to fall off as leaves; to fall out as hair
midaboboka5  fall (to) ~ to fall with violence; to dash upon
midaboka6  fall (to) ~ to fall, to fall against, to strike, to hit with violence, to lie down
midalaboboka7  fall (to) ~ to fall violently, to dash
mifetsaka8  fall (to) ~ to tumble down, to fall, to strike against, to hit.
mihemotra9  fall (to) ~ to draw back; to fall back into evil ways
milatsaka10  fall (to) ~ to fall, to drop, to lower, to enter ~ to fall down; to join up as a soldier, a member of something, etc
mandavo11  fall (to cause to) ~ to cast down, to cause to fall
miongotra12  fall ~ to be pulled up; to fall out, as hair or feathers
miankarapoka13  fall (to) ~ to fall down at full length
mirotsaka14  fall (to) ~ to fall; to join up, to offer one's services
mitaborotsaka15  fall (to) ~ to slip, to fall, to give way, as a falling house or wall.
miozinozina16  fall ~ to fall to right and left, as the mast of a ship