| 1 hurry  |
dodona | 2 hurry ~ in a hurry; pushing violently |
forehitra | 3 hurry (in a) ~ in haste, in a hurry. Comp. <1dorehitra#> |
may | 4 hurry (in a) ~ in a hurry, impatient |
mahamaika | 5 hurry ~ to cause someone to hurry; to be urgent |
mikoropaka | 6 hurry ~ to be in a commotion; to do something in a great hurry; to struggle |
milomay | 7 hurry (to be in a) ~ to run; to be in a hurry; (also pronounced miolomày; hence a folk etymology; mi-olo-may) |
manafaingana | 8 hurry (to) ~ to hurry, to make to be quick. ~ to hurry along |
manahaingana | 9 hurry (to) ~ to make speed, to hurry |
main-tavo | 10 hurry (in a) ~ hasty, in a hurry |
mitaintaina | 11 hurry (to be in a) ~ to be in a hurry |
an-kamehana | 12 hurry (in a) ~ (ankamehana) in a hurry, as an emergency measure |
sefosefo | 13 hurry |