
1  you   
ialahy2  you ~ thou, you. Used only in familiar discourse by men, but never by an inferior to a superior except on special occasions of giving confidence. ~ you (singular) used familiarly between men
leitsy3  you
anao4  you ~ Thee, thine, you, yours. Accusative and possessive case of hianao. (Fiji angao.) ~ you (singular, as object); yours
ianao5  you ~ thou, you. [Compare Swahili e'nu, your, of your, and e'gnui o thou.] Compare anao.
indriako6  you ~ thou, you. A word used by women in a familiar style of address. Somewhat like My dear. Comp. Ialahy.
indrỳ7  you ~ you (singular), used familiarly by mother to daughter
angao8  you ~ you, thou. See <1hianao#> and <1anao#>
anareo9  you ~ You, your, yours (plural). Accusative and possessive case of hianareo. ~ you (plur. - as object); yours
ianareo10  you ~ you, ye
ise11  you ~ used familiarly for You, You sir. ~ you (singular) used familiarly between men
itena12  you ~ you (singular) used familiarly; often disrespectful
zalahy13  you ~ you (plur.) used between men
zavavy14  you ~ you (plur.) used between women