
famelezana strike
fitokonana strike ~ a strike by laborers
grevy strike
midaboka strike (to) ~ to fall, to fall against, to strike, to hit with violence, to lie down
mahavoa strike (to) ~ to strike; to hit the mark; to wound
mamofoka strike (to) ~ to strike, to beat, to attack, as a disease.
mamaritsoka strike (to) ~ to beat, to strike, to dab
mametsaka strike (to) ~ to strike, to beat
mamitsoka strike (to) ~ to beat, to flog, to strike, to smite.
mandaboka strike (to) ~ to beat, to strike, to throw down, to dash
mandòna strike (to) ~ to knock, to strike
mandondona strike (to) ~ to knock at the door; to knock or strike repeatedly
manambana strike (to pretend to) ~ to pretend to strike, to pretend to throw or aim at something.
manona strike (to) ~ to strike. Used of the wind striking the water, or the water beating against a canoe, etc. (prov.)
manonana strike (to) ~ to strike. Used of the wind striking the water, or the water beating against a canoe, etc.
miantsona strike (to) ~ to be aground, to stop, to strike, to run ashore, as a canoe.
mipaika strike (to) ~ to chip stone; to strike as with a hammer