| 1 last  |
fara | 2 last ~ the last; offspring, children, an heir, succession, progeny. [Ar. fark, pulus (=furar). Comp. the Heb. par, a calf, a young bull; Germ. farr; also the Heb. bar, son, and the whole group of words from the same root (as parah=barah; Sansk. bhri (Zend. bara); Gr. phero; Lat. fero=Eng. bear, etc.] ~ the last; the supreme; a descendant, a child |
fara letsy | 3 last (the) ~ The last, the end |
farany | 4 last ~ The end, the last, the conclusion, the extremity, the close. |
faravaton' Ijanga | 5 last ~ The last stone thrown in any game of pitching or throwing, a lucky stone, a fortunate stone |
hany sisa | 6 last (the) ~ the last, the very last left. |
lasitra | 7 last ~ a shoemaker's last ~ a mold, a last, a form for fashioning something |
miafara | 8 last (to) ~ To be last, to be at the end. |
maharitra | 9 last (to) ~ to bear, to carry on; to last |