
1  god   
Jehovah2  god ~ God, Jehovah, Lord
andriamanitra3  god (a) ~ a god (sometimes used of the ancestors)
Andriamanitra4  god ~ God. The word up to recent times was used in speaking of idols, charms, the deceased sovereigns, the reigning sovereign, anything valuable or wonderful; in these latter sense it seems equivalent to divine, supernatural, extraordinary, or surpassingly excellent. It is still so used in the more distant parts of the island, and among the unenlightened people of the central province even. It is said that the name was so given because while the body might not be seen, there was a fragrancy attending the name. See <1zanahary#> ~ God
Andriananahary5  God ~ [nahary, past tense of mahary, to create.] God, the Creator of the universe. This word is the most universally used in speaking of God, and is used by all the tribes throughout the island. It is often combined with andriamanitra. See zanahary. ~ the Creator, God
Nanahary6  god ~ more or less synonym of zanahary; a god, God
zanahary7  God ~ God, the Creator. Zanahary tsy fahan-draha: God cannot be resisted by anything. (Prov.) ~ a god, a superior being; something great or prodigious
zanahary8  god ~ God, the Creator. Zanahary tsy fahan-draha: God cannot be resisted by anything. (Prov.) ~ a god, a superior being; something great or prodigious