
1  fat   
bolangina2  fat ~ plump, chubby, fat, sleek, well-conditioned. Used mostly of children. See <1dongadonga#>.
bonanaka3  fat ~ plump, fat. See botrabotra, dongadonga
botrabotraina4  fat (to be made) ~ to be made plump or fat
aidina5  fat ~ [Root idina?] The Sakalava name for grease or fat.
miborataka6  fat ~ to be large and corpulent, to be extremely fat. Said of persons
mibotataka7  fat ~ to be fat, to be plump, to be sturdy
menaka8  fat ~ fat, oil
matevina9  fat

10  fat   
kevoka11  fat ~ fat, faquin, pédant, fanfaron; se dit aussi des animaux de combatqui semblent vouloir combattre et reculent à l;a vue de leurs rivaux.
mpikevoka12  fat (un) ~ un fat, un pédant, un présomptueux, un rodomont
reboke13  fat ~ Fanfaron, fat, pédant, présomptueux, vantard