
1  shallow   
bebaka2  shallow ~ shallow, used of a tub, a basket, or a pot. See <1tabebaka#>
barabara saina3  shallow ~ shallow, trifling, silly, having no brains.
dabebaka4  shallow ~ shallow, applied to baskets; full-cheeked, as a child. See bebaka, tabebaka
hafaladia5  shallow ~ Up to the sole of the foot; shallow
mibebaka6  shallow (to be) ~ to be flattened, to be shallow, to be sunk in; to be dejected about one's self
marivo7  shallow
tabebaka8  shallow ~ short and spacious. Chiefly applied to baskets: rather short, shallow, or dwarfish.
talesaka9  shallow ~ wide and shallow, as a platter or tray
tasitasy10  shallow ~ shallow; applied chiefly to plates