
1  locust   
dongara2  locust (species of)
daronambolo3  locust (species of) ~ a species of locust
adrisa4  locust (species of) ~ a species of locust, the female of the <1aketa#>.
kijeja5  locust (species of) ~ young locusts still in the hopping stage
koraika6  locust (species of) ~ young, slim and newly-fledged locust
aketa7  locust (species of) ~ a species of locust, the male of the <1adrisa#>. Also called <1aketalahy#>.
ambolo8  locust (species of) ~ a species of green locust
ambolokely9  locust (species of) ~ A small species of locust.
ambolovarahina10  locust (species of) ~ a species of locust but of a bright colour resembling brass.
ampongavato11  locust (species of) ~ a species of locust
apanga12  locust ~ a species of locust
ramijaingy13  locust (species of) ~ A kind of locust. If the child is long before it walks, this is burnt, put into water, and given to a child.
tsikondry14  locust (species of)
tsimbaivay15  locust (species of)
tsimbatavata16  locust (species of)
tsimbolavola17  locust (species of)
tsimbotry18  locust (species of)
tsimpefe19  locust (species of)
tsindakana20  locust (species of)
tsindrano21  locust (species of)
tsingentana22  locust (species of) ~ a species of small locust
tsipefe23  locust (species of)
valala24  locust (a) ~ a grasshopper, a locust
zafinadrisa25  locust (species of) ~ a species of locust