
1  egg   
fandatsa-boay2  egg ~ [voay, a crocodile.] A crocodile's egg.
fandatsa-borona3  egg ~ [vorona, a bird.] A bird's egg. (Prov.)
fandatsaka oho4  egg (a fowl's) ~ A fowl's egg. See <1atody#>
lamokany5  egg (unhatched rotten) ~ addled, used of eggs; bad, used of the disease called tety, and of a kind of pulse ~ an unhatched rotten egg
atody6  egg (an) ~ an egg. [Mal. telur; Dyak tulu; Nias adulu; Jav. andoy; other dialects, toil, tolo, telli, terani, atulu, etc.] ~ an egg