
Entrée1  Rivers and Streams of Madagascar    
Partie du discours  2  nom propre (titre de livre) [Liste complète]
Auteur  3  Aldegheri M.
Editions  4  , 1972. Pages: 50
276This sudden change in slope is probably the cause of the capture of the Mahajamba by the Kamoro. The Mahajamba has a high transport capacity and because the slope decreases this capacity declines suddenly so that there is intense aggradation which has forced the Mahajamba to cut a course towards the west when in spate. At low water, all its water goes to the Kamoro and the bed, as far as the sea, receives only the waters from small streams such as the Andranolava and the Kimangoro. Since 1903, the capture appears to have been stable. However, the Mahajamba might resume its former course when the bed of the Kamoro has risen sufficiently. The remainder of the Mahajamba reaches the sea through a delta. The distance from the capture zone to the sea is 145km.The length of the Mahajamba above the capture is 153 km and it has a basin of 9,750 sq.km. The distance from the source of the Kamoro to Ambato-Boeny is 145 km.

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