
Entrée1  R    r    
Partie du discours  2  nom (symbole)
Explications en malgache  3  [1.1] Tarehintsoratra fahenina ambin'ny folo ary renisoratra faharoa ambin'ny folo amin'ny abidy malagasy. Amin'ny fanakambanan-teny, ny r dia lasa dr: tapaka roa = tapa-droa; toy izany koa raha mitovona man mba hanaovana matoanteny: man + ray = mandray.
Explications en anglais  4  [1.2] the sixteenth letter of the Malagasy Alphabet. It is produced as r in rare.It is never lost in combination with other words. When a word is ending in -NA (or -ny) is joined to one commencing with r, d is inserted to the bridge over the sound of n and r, as: Tanan-droa [tanana and roa]. When a word ending in -ka or-tra is joined with another commencing with r, the -ka or -tra is omitted, and d is again prefixed to the r, as: Satro-dRabe [satroky or satroka and rabe], avara-drova [avaratra and rova]. When the verbal prefix Man- is added to words beginning with r, d is inserted, as Mandre [Man- and re].
Explications en français  5  [1.3] Seizième lettre et douzième consonne de l'alphabet malgache.
Analogues  6  abidy
Tableaux et planches  7  Les alphabets
Article  8  Andriamihaja Solonavalona: Ny fivoaran'ny abidia malagasy

Mis à jour le 2024/12/21