
demodemoka pigeon ~ a species of wood-pigeon (Prov.) see domohina
finigo pigeon ~ a species of pigeon. Same as <1fony#+fony>. Also <1finingo#+finingo> (Sakalava)
fonimaitso pigeon ~ A species of pigeon. Columba polleni, Schleg.
finengo pigeon ~ a provincial name for a species of pigeon. Same as <1fonimaitso#+fonimaitso>
foningo pigeon ~ a provincial name given to at least three species of pigeon. (Tan.) Same as fony, fony maitso, and fetiliadabo.
foningomaitso pigeon ~ [maitso, green.] A species of pigeon. (Betsim.) Same as foni.
fetiliadambo pigeon (species of) ~ a species of pigeon. Vinago australis, L. (Sak.) Same as <1fitiliadabo#+fitiliaDAbo>
fitiliadabo pigeon (species of) ~ [adabo, a species of ficus.] A species of pigeon, so called from its feeding on the fruit of the adabo tree. , L.
limohy pigeon
pakatova pigeon
voromailala pigeon (a) ~ a dove, a pigeon

fony pigeon (espèce de) ~ pigeon bleu (, Boddaert)
finigo pigeon
fonimaitso pigeon
limohy pigeon ~ tourterelle, pigeon sauvage
pakatova pigeon ~ tourterelle, pigeon sauvage
voromailala pigeon (un) ~ pigeon, colombe