
1  mass   
bangobango2  mass (the) ~ the bulk, the general mass. Probably connected with Bango, a plait etc.
bozaka3  mass (a large) ~ vast in number, a multitude, a large mass
agaboka4  mass (to be put in a) ~ to be put in a mass.
gaboka5  mass (a) ~ a heap, a mass, a lot, a total of many items. Compare <1kapoka#>, <1ankapobeny#>; also <1antontany#>, <1avosa#>, <1ambongadiny#>
lamesa6  mass ~ a mass. A word introduced and used by the French Roman Catholics ~ a mass; a chanted liturgical service
ambangony7  mass ~ [am-, bango, a mass.] A collective mass, an undivided mass, assemblage; thoughts; a genus. See bango.
migaboka8  mass (to be put in a) ~ to be in a mass.
manandroka9  mass (to) ~ to gather cattle together, to mass together
androka10  mass ~ a heap, a mass
potriaka11  mass ~ in mass, in great number