
Entrée1  German Diplomatic Documents 1871-1914    
Sous-titre  2  in four volumes -- selected and translated by E.T.S. Dugdale
Partie du discours  3  nom propre (titre de livre) [Liste complète]
Auteur  4  Dugdale E. T. S.
Editions  5  , 1922
... in case England thought it necessary to offer compensation to France, this should be sought not in Tunis, but in Madagascar
England and France mutually recognised the rotectorates over Zanzibar and Madagascar respectively. In addition, the two Powers followed the plan of the Anglo-German Treaty in delimiting their neigbouring possessions in Africa.
He fully shared the views that I expressed, namely that compensation for the French would have to be sought in Madagascar.
He said he still clung to his original opinion, which was also ours, that compensation for France must be sought in Madagascar.
10 1893/05/27
... both the attitude of the Press and speeches by Ministers revealed extraordinary animosity against England on account of Egypt, Madagascar and, especially perhaps lately, Siam.
11 1894/10/08
As regarded Madagascar, England would give in as in most other questions in dispute between her and France. Only in Egypt could the British not draw back.
12 1896/01/13
Since the military forces in Algeria are at present occupied with Madagascar, the choice of this moment for an advance [against Tuat] can hardly be explained otherwise than that France fears an early change of Government and policy in England.
13 1896/01/07
Delagoa Bay and Lorenzo Marques are extremely important to France in view of her possession of Madagascar. If England owns the Bay, she can in two days with her ships seize Madagascar from the French, without the French Government's hearing a word of the seizure, for there is no cable communication between France and Madagascar.
14 1897/07/22
Lord Salisbury referred to Madagascar where the French had simply thrust aside the existing treaties with other Powers...

Mis à jour le 2024/12/11