Entrée | 1 amaninaombilahy |
Mots élémentaires | 2 amany, aombilahy |
Partie du discours | 3 locution |
Explications en anglais |
4 [5.en.http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/Research/red_list_leptolaena.pdf] Small (medium) tree. Leaves small, ovate with acuminate falcate apex, somewhat asymmetrical, long hairs on lower surface, margin strongly revolute, papery; petiole with tomentum. Inflorescence with, 6-25 flowers. Involucre urn-shaped. Petals white/pale yellow. Fruit globose, exceeding the involucre. |
Vocabulaire |
5 Botanique: arbre |
Autres orthographes | 6 amaninombilahy |
Mis à jour le 2024/12/12 |