
Entrée1  alozina
Radical  2  alo
Partie du discours  3  verbe passif
Explications en malgache  4  Entin-teny: Tsy alozin-teny amin' ny lehibe aho fa afaka miresaka mivantana
5  Loarana: Raha nalozina avy tao am-bilany ny laoka ka natao tao anaty lovia, tsy tratra ny saka nandrombaka ny henan' Ikoto
6  Atsoboka: Tsy natondraka ny ro, tompoko, fa alozy ao anaty tsatokaty misy ny ro akaikinareo avy ny varinareo raha tianareo [1.1]
Explications en anglais  7  to have one's rice moistened with gravy; to be supplied with provisions which have been taken from the plate or spoon of a master or superior; to be brought through the medium of another, as messages brought by one person to another. [1.2]
8  Présent :
9  Passé :
10  Futur :
11  Impératif :
Proverbes  12  Proverbes contenant le mot alozina

Anagrammes  13  alazony, alozina, ialozan, ilaozan, lazoina, lozaina, lozanay, loziana, nialoza, nilaoza

Mis à jour le 2023/01/20