
Entrée1  Crateva
Partie du discours  2  nom
Explications en anglais  3  Pantropical genus with 10 species; 4 to 6 endemic Malagasy subspecies. Crateva is distributed in humid evergreen forest, as well as dry deciduous forest from sea level to 1,500 m elevation. It can be recognized by its large flowers with free sepals and distinctly clawed petals much longer than the sepals, and large, fleshy to woody, globose to ellipsoid fruits. [2.515]
Vocabulaire  4  Botanique: genre scientific
Noms locaux de plantes 
5  Burasaia crateva  alakamisy
6  Crateva excelsa  alakamisy, ampody, ampoly, hazomalany, mafanankelika, matahotrantsy, teloravy, tohibarinasity, tongotrakoho, voampoana
7  Crateva greveana  boramena, hazoampasy, keleoñy, kelihony, keliony, kipipika, manarotoloho, mangilakelika, mangily, salobe, teloravina, teloravy, tongotrakoho, tsilehibeko
8  Crateva obovata  tangena, vodiaomby, vodiomby

Mis à jour le 2024/09/15