Entrée h
Partie du discours nom (symbole)
Explications en malgache Tarehintsoratra fahafito ary renisoratra fahadimy amin'ny abidy malagasy; zara raha heno ny feon'ny H, fa indraidray kosa toa voatonona any an-tenda no fandrenesana azy:Maloka ny tontolo rehefa hariva ny andro (zara raha heno) /Nisy nitoraka ny tranonay halina (any an-tenda). Ny H dia miova ho K amin'ny fanakambanan-teny:Manana havana: manan-kavana. [1.1]
Explications en anglais The seventh letter of the Malagasy Alphabet. It is always an aspirate. It is used for k in many provincial words, as hely for kely; hotro for kotro. Whenever it is preceded by i, a second i follows it for euphony, thus mihady is pronounced mihiady. It is added to all derivative passive verbs beginning with a vowel as a sign of the future tense; and also before all relative verbs, thus ekena (eky), pres., becomes hekena, fut.; anaovana (tao), pres., becomes hanaovana, fut. It is the sign of the future in all act. tr. or act. int. verbs, as manao (tao), pres., hanao, fut. It is sometimes added for euphony between two vowels, as mihavy for miavy, etc. When the verbal prefix man- is added to roots beginning with h, the h is sometimes elided, as manadino [man- and hadino]; and sometimes changed to g, as mangalatra [man- and halatra]. [1.2]
Explications en français Septième lettre et cinquième consonne de l'alphabet malgache, est toujours aspirée; au commencement d'un mot indique souvent le futur des verbes. [1.3]
Analogues  abidỳ
Tableaux et planches Les alphabets

Entrée h-
Partie du discours préfixe [Mots avec h-]
Explications en anglais Prefix, sign of the future, as in : manào to do; hanào, will do [1.7]
Explications en français Préfixe, indique le futur des verbes; ex. : manao, il fait; hanao, il fera [1.8]

Entrée H
Partie du discours nom (symbole)
Explications en malgache  Hidirôzenina. Singa mietona, voalohany amin'ny fisokajiana miherina. [3.1]
Explications en anglais Hydrogen [3.1]
Explications en français Hydrogène [3.1]

Mis à jour le 2022/08/14