

1Sm / 1Sam 6:9 And see, if it goeth up by the way of his own coast to Bethshemesh, then he hath done us this great evil: but if not, then we shall know that it is not his hand that smote us: it was a chance that happened to us. Ary izahao, ka raha miakatra amin' ny lalana mankany amin' ny taniny ihany ho any Beti-semesy izany, dia Jehovah no nahatonga izao loza lehibe izao tamintsika; fa raha tsy izany, dia ho fantatsika fa tsy ny tanany no namely antsika, fa mby amin' izay hanjo antsika. Dia araho maso izy, ka raha miakatra amin' ny làlana mankany amin' ny taniny, ho any Beti-Samesy izy, dia Iaveh no nahatonga izao loza lehibe izao tamintsika, fa raha tsy izany kosa, dia ho fantatsika fa tsy ny tànany no namely antsika, fa sendrasendra no nahatongavan' izany tamintsika. Puis regardez : s' il prend le chemin de son territoire, vers Bet-Shémesh, c' est lui qui nous a causé ce grand mal, sinon nous saurons que ce n' est pas sa main qui nous a frappés et que cela nous est arrivé par accident. "